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Easy Lemon Chicken and Quinoa with Bacon-seared Brussel Sprouts

>> Wednesday, December 4, 2013

This is a new favorite in our house! The recipe doesn't call for quinoa but I made some in our rice cooker and used stock instead of water. The pan sauce you make after the chicken is done cooking (substitute flour for cornstarch) goes well over the quinoa.

You can find the recipe and detailed instructions here. Again, I substituted the flour for cornstarch and it turned out just great.

I bought a two pound bag of Brussels Sprouts at Costco for 2.99. I didn't look too closely to see that maybe they were so cheap because they were going bad. Oops! I was able to salvage about a pound of them. I didn't follow a recipe to make this, I just made it up because it sounded good. I can't think of a thing that bacon doesn't make better.

1 pound Brussels Sprouts, washed and ends trimmed.
2 slices of bacon, uncooked
1/4 cup chicken stocl
Salt and pepper to taste

After cleaning your sprouts, place the bacon in a pan over medium heat and let the fat render out. Cook the bacon until crispy. Remove bacon and leave bacon grease in the pan. Add sprouts and let brown for 1-2 minutes. After the sprouts have a nice color on them, add the stock (just enough to wet the pan a little) and cover the pan. Let them steam until they turn a bright green and are fork-tender.


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